Longitudinal Study of Emergency Medicine Residents 

The American Board of Emergency Medicine designed the Longitudinal Study of Emergency Medicine Residents (LSEMR) to identify residents’ goals, aspirations, and motivations early in their careers. The long-term goals of the study were to examine how these factors are related to choices made during the physicians' careers and to track changes to goals, aspirations, and motivations over time. Like the LSEP, the LSEMR is organized into the following areas:

  1. Professional Interests, Attitudes, and Goals
  2. Training, Certification, and Licensing
  3. Professional Experience
  4. Well-being and Leisure Activities
  5. Demographic Information

LSEMR differs from LSEP by including questions about residents' motivation for choosing EM, as well as their satisfaction with their choice of a specialty and their residency program.

The LSEMR survey is administered annually to a sample of residents, called a "panel," during the last three years of their residency. In the fourth year, the panel joins the Longitudinal Study of Emergency Physicians (LSEP). The first panel completed the survey from 1996 to 1998; The fifth resident panel will receive the survey from 2016 to 2018, and join the LSEP in 2019.


For Researchers

If you are interested in conducting research using LSEMR data, please review the ABEM Policy on Research, which describes the process of submitting a proposal. All materials published on this website are protected under the U.S. Copyright Act with all rights reserved to the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM). All use of the materials must be made with attribution to ABEM.