The EMS Exam Committee met November 19-20, 2019. In addition to completing its annual review of examination items, the Committee approved the updated exam blueprint, and elected Douglas F. Kupas, M.D., as Chair-Elect for 2020. The Committee also recognized Theodore R. Delbridge, M.D., and Kathy J. Rinnert, M.D., who completed their terms on the Committee December 31, 2019. Effective January 1, 2020, ABEM changed the Committee’s status to a Subboard in recognition of the rapid evolution and maturation of the subspecialty, and therefore the resulting need to have the Committee assume greater responsibility.
Pictured left to right, standing: Vincent N. Mosesso, Jr., M.D.; Douglas F. Kupas, M.D.; Theodore R. Delbridge, M.D.; Alexander P. Isakov, M.D.; Jeffrey M. Goodloe, M.D.; Mohamud R. Daya, M.D.; and Peter T. Pons, M.D. Seated: ABEM Liaison Marianne Gausche-Hill, M.D.; Kathy J. Rinnert, M.D.; Sophia Dyer, M.D.; and Katie L. Tartaris, M.D.