2023 September Awards
During the September 2023 administration, ABEM recognized 15 examiners. The awards were presented by Kim M. Feldhaus, M.D., Vice-Chair of the Test Administration Committee.
Clock - 8 Exams
D. Adam Algren, M.D., Jason Chu, M.D., Daniel Egan, M.D., and Scott B. Gutovitz, M.D.
Plaque - 16 Exams
Christopher B. Colwell, M.D., Jordan C. Foster, M.D., Barry J. Knapp, M.D., Anthony S. Mazzeo, M.D., and Melissa A. Platt, M.D.
Hourglass - 24 Exams
Joel M. Bartfield, M.D., David S. Bullard, M.D., and Edward A. Panacek, M.D.
Pen and Pencil Set - 32 Exams
Brian E. Burgess, M.D., and Jeffrey D. Disney, M.D.
Telescope - 40 Exams
John C. Moorhead, M.D.
2023 May Awards
During the May 2023 administration, ABEM recognized 16 examiners. The awards were presented by Kim M. Feldhaus, M.D., Vice-Chair of the Test Administration Committee.
Clock - 8 Exams
Mari B. Baker, M.D., Michael J. Breyer, M.D., Robert Cowan, M.D., Mohamud R. Daya, M.D., Danielle E. Hart, M.D., Melisa W. Lai-Becker, M.D., and Holly C. Liberatore, M.D.
Plaque - 16 Exams
Madonna Fernandez-Frackelton, M.D., John P. Marshall, M.D., and James Miner, M.D.
Pen and Pencil Set - 32 Exams
Felix Ankel, M.D., Wallace A. Carter, M.D., Deepi G. Goyal, M.D., M.H.A., Samuel M. Keim, M.D., and Suzanne R. White, M.D., M.B.A.
Telescope - 40 Exams
Michael S. Beeson, M.D., M.B.A.